Ecuador Hiking - 5 Top Tips for Hiking in the Andes of Ecuador
Many people ask us what advice we would give them before setting off on their Ecuador Hiking Tour. Here are our 5 top tips which we recommend you take into consideration before you set off on yours.

1. Acclimatize
It’s a good idea to spend a couple of days in the mountains, at altitude, before your hiking tour begins. Ecuador’s capital city Quito, which is located at 2800m above sea level in the middle of the Andes, is a great place to do this. If you have time, consider an acclimatization hike such as our Pichincha Volcano Hike a great way to prepare yourself for your hiking trip
2. Hydration
Drinking plenty of water is always recommended when hiking or undertaking any activity, but remember that you dehydrate much faster at altitude. Therefore, always be sure to take plenty of water with you when hiking in Ecuador. We recommend at least a couple of litres for a full day trek.
3. Sunscreen
Believe it or not, even on the cloudiest of days, and even when it’s raining you can get sun burnt while hiking in the Andes of Ecuador. So before setting of on your walk make sure you apply plenty of sun screen and don’t forget to re-apply during the hike. A good sun hat (for example a baseball cap) is also recommended, as well as keeping the sun out of your eyes when it’s shining, it can also keep the rain out of your eyes when it’s raining. Which brings us onto our next tip…
4. Four Seasons in One Day
Be prepared for all kinds of weather when setting out on your Ecuador hike, conditions can change fast in the highlands of the Andes. What to wear? We recommend layers which you can put on or take off as the temperature changes. Outdoor clothing items made from ‘quick dry’ materials are ideal. A comfy pair of walking boots or shoes, a good fleece and waterproof, sun hat and sun glasses are also recommended. A warm hat and gloves are good to have on hand if your hike is going to take you near or above 4000m.
5. Watch Out on the Way Down
Ecuador hiking is renowned for its ascents and descents, you are hiking in the Andes at the end of the day, so what’s to expect? We all know that hiking up is when people get tired, be sure to take plenty of rest stops along the way. However, it’s also important to remember that hiking down is when most injuries occur (strains, sprains, falls etc.) So it is important to pace yourself when hiking in Ecuador especially on the descents, take your time! Descending is often when you get the best views so slow down and enjoy the backdrop!