5 Unique Experiences at Tortuga Bay
You'll never guess what swam passed Emma's toes when she visited Tortuga Bay on Santa Cruz Island in Galapagos. Find out why she loves this visitor site so much and what her top 5 highlights are.

1. Walking the Walk
Walking is our first love in Original Ecuador, so the walk to Tortuga Bay has to be highlight number one for me. The hike takes around 45 minutes from the trailhead to the beach. The trail itself is paved and relatively easy & flat with gentle ups and downs. You pass through typical Galapagos vegetation like Palo Santo trees and the towering Opuntia Cactus. Wildlife encounters as you walk include cheeky Galapagos finches and speedy lava lizards. A water taxi service is available for those who have difficulty walking this distance.
2. Playa Brava
As you come off the main trail the huge expanse and beauty of the Playa Brava beach takes your breath away. People react in different ways to the white sands and rolling waves of this remote, wild spot, running around, jumping for photos, taking panoramic shots or just standing still & absorbing the energy. This beach is a surfer’s playground but not safe to swim, you need to keep walking for that.
3. Marine Iguana-tastic
At the end of Playa Brava there is an area of mangroves next to a sheltered tidal pool where the ancient & unique Galapagos marine iguanas nest and hang out. A fantastic opportunity to photograph them close up as they bask in the sun. My favourite thing is observing them underwater as they swim out to sea to feed, so I recommend you get your mask & snorkel on and get into the ocean pool for the full experience.
4. Kayaking in Playa Mansa
Walking through the mangroves brings you to Playa Mansa, a beautiful, serene beach with secluded & safe waters. This is the perfect place for family kayaking, the wildlife spotting is breathtaking. My highlights include blue footed boobies sitting on black lava rocks, countless green turtles popping their noses out of the water all around, shoals of rays gliding past. And nothing beats gently floating in your kayak over a white tip shark nursery, perfectly clear a couple of metres below the surface.
5. Swimming and general paddling
The waters of Playa Mansa are too tempting not to go in for a swim to cool off after a morning full of adventure. I couldn’t believe my eyes (or my luck!) on one visit when as I paddled in the shallows none other than a baby hammerhead shark swam passed my toes. I know how silly this sounds – but who would have thought they even existed!
Check out our Galapagos land-based programs all of which include a half-day visit to the amazing Tortuga Bay or contact us for more information.