COVID-19 in Ecuador Update

The Ecuadorian Government have introduced a number of containment measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus in the country. The latest measures which were announced on 2nd April 2020 include the following:

Teenage girl in black jumper having her temperature checked by man in white protective clothing in Quito airport

1. All school & university classes are suspended until the end of April 2020

2. All international and inter provincial transport services are suspended until the end of April 2020. Therefore, there will be no incoming international passenger flights until the end of April 2020.

3. Some cargo flights are still operating and there have been a small number of repatriation flights coordinated in the last couple of weeks to help get people to their home countries.

4. Movement of people between provinces in Ecuador is prohibited until the end of April 2020.

5. Large events have been prohibited in the country for all of April and May 2020.

6. All national parks (including Galapagos National Park) are still closed.

7. From 13th April there is talk of a “traffic light” system being introduced for different provinces in Ecuador where mobilization will be given a red, orange or green light. Details of this are yet to be announced at time of writing.

8. For further information please follow Ecuador’s Ministry of Health social media channels (@Salud_Ec).

Daily Life in Ecuador with COvid-19 Restrictions

1. Everyone must stay at home and only go out for essential activities – visiting supermarkets, pharmacies, medical appointments etc.

2. Leaving your home to undertake exercise (going for a walk, run or bike ride) is prohibited.

3. It is mandatory to wear a face mask when you are outside of your home.

4. There is currently a curfew in place in the whole country from 2pm to 5am every day. No one is allowed to circulate or move around between these hours.

5. Car use is also restricted. Depending on your number plate you can use your car one day a week between Monday and Friday. Vehicles are not allowed to circulate on weekends.