Many people ask us what advice we would give them before setting off on their Ecuador Hiking Tour. Here are our 5 top tips which we recommend you take into consideration before you set off on yours.

Monday, 29 February 2016 19:00

Ecuador Biking Holiday - Guide Supremo!

Original Ecuador ran it's first Ecuador Biking Tour in 2015, in conjunction with Latin Link. The intrepid bikers journeyed through the Ecuadorian Andes for 10 days enjoying beautiful trails, backdrops, scenery and adventures. Freelance journalist Grant Dyson shares with us a glowing report of Andrés, the group's cycling 'Guide Supremo".

Tuesday, 29 December 2015 19:00

Cotopaxi National Park Reopens

When Cotopaxi Volcano showed signs of increased activity in August 2015, the national park was closed to the public. After months of close monitoring, the decision was made to reopen the park in December 2015. If you are planning on visiting, please take into consideration the following guidelines and information:

Ever wondered what it would be like to live in the presence of an active volcano? Read our top 12 facts about the eruptive process of Cotopaxi Volcano in Ecuador.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015 19:00

Papallacta River Hike

Emma from Original Ecuador, and her 10 year old daughter Emilia, set off to Papallacta this weekend to explore the Papallacta River Hike. Read about their mini adventure here.

Thursday, 06 August 2015 19:00

Lakes, volcanoes and why we’re all here

Tom Shearman from Andean Trails, a UK based travel company offering adventure holidays in South America, came to visit us in Ecuador and we took him off for a couple of beautiful days hiking in the Northern Andes. This is what he had to say of his experience.

Thursday, 05 June 2014 19:00

Ecuador Hiking Tours - To The Cloudforest

Travelling just a couple of hours north-west of Ecuador’s capital Quito and venturing down the outer slopes of the Western Andes, you enter into a world of tumbling waterfalls, crystalline rivers, endemic orchids, colourful hummingbirds and thick, verdant forests packed full of wildlife.

Sunday, 13 April 2014 18:49

Palm Sunday in Pictures - Quito 2014

Palm Sunday is always an important day of the year among Ecuador's predominantly Catholic society. Walking through the streets of Quito today there was a wonderfully vibrant and colourful atmosphere, with music and prayer filling the air. Here are some of the photos we took along the way.

Thursday, 13 March 2014 12:18

Quito Walking Tour - Guapulo

Guapulo, a bohemian and artsy sector of Quito, is one of the city’s little-known treasures and a great place to explore on foot according to Original Ecuador co-founder, Emma Morgan. Emma has lived in this historic and attractive district of Quito since moving to Ecuador from the UK in 2002.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014 15:14

Family Hiking in Cotopaxi National Park

Emma Morgan, co-founder of Original Ecuador, shares with us her recent experiences of hiking in the Cotopaxi region with her 8 year old daughter.

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